proper lavatories for Kathithina primary school



DEB Kathithina primary school is located at Kithithina market, 5km southwest of Timau town in Meru County. The school was started back 2001. The school has a population of 534 pupils starting from baby class to class eight. The school has been performing well in KCPE with average results in the recent years.
Batian flowers CBO group started a community based project at DEB Kathithina primary school located in Timau, Meru County. The school was in dire need of proper lavatories for the pupils.






The previous lavatories were in bad shape and were not hygiene sensitive to the pupils.

Most of the school’s parents are small scale farmers in the area with little\no resources to cater for school maintenance and infrastructure.

Batian Flowers CBO group commissioned the construction of new lavatories for the school. This project was aimed to give the pupils good sanitation and proper hygiene.









New modern lavatories were built in the school to cater for 534 pupils in the school.








The parents, teachers, pupils and the Batian CBO group organized a small ceremony as a appreciation to the Batian flowers CBO group for constructing the new lavatories.












Batian Flowers CBO group feels proud an honored that it can work in a practical way as well with the community around and for now to ensure this school, children have proper lavatories in their school. The CBO group hopes for more projects for the future!

